Edible Hedgerows

Edible hedgerows at Westerlands

Hedgerows are simply vital to the ecosystem of this country. The backbone of the countryside. Not only are they beautiful, and a lovely “tracking system” for our changing seasons, but they can also be vital allies in tackling climate change. Hedgerows capture carbon in their roots and branches, help reduce the risk of flooding and provide shelter to hundreds of the UK’s most vulnerable species. But they are hugely under threat. The Woodland Trust estimates that more than 100,000 miles of hedgerow have been lost in this country since the end of WW2. Yes, you read that right. 100,000 miles… It’s a tragedy.

With such devastating losses comes the loss of habitat to an amazing array of wildlife such as voles, hedgehogs, lizards, moths and a whole aviary’s-worth of birds. And obviously a reduced ability of our countryside to absorb the ever-increasing carbon emissions we mentioned earlier. So we think it’s blindingly obvious the super important role that hedgerows play.

To that end, and mindful of our role as guardians, not owners, of our little plot of countryside, we’re embarking on a massive regeneration (some might call it rewilding) programme here at Westerlands. We’ve already started, planting over 700 metres of “edible” hedgerows, with lots more to come. Even though this feels small set against those nationwide declines, we’re ambitious to do more, to set a positive example where possible, and for ourselves to reap the positive rewards of our labours. There’s so much more to come from us on this point, so do please keep checking in, and one day - if we get our way - we’ll be able to show you miles of new hedges planted chock full of delicious plants and botanicals, that may even find their way into our local produce…

Hedgerow Vermouth, anyone!?


Western-style Riding